Through our members, Africa Polygraph Network provides polygraph (lie detector) examinations in any situation where there is a need to determine truthfulness, credibility, reliability.
We provide services to the general public, federal, state, and local governments, NGOs, government agencies, lawyers, accountants, therapists, big and small corporations, and individuals.
The following is a partial list of the types of polygraph services we provide:
It is also used to ensure that employees in sensitive positions and partners and business association are kept honest.
Polygraph has been used regularly to help exonerate innocent persons in cases that are based on circumstantial evidence. It is particularly valuable in those investigations that rely only on testimonial evidence.
At the same time, polygraph testing is very helpful in investigations involving multiple suspects by narrowing the focus of the investigation.
Our examiners provide polygraph examinations to employers in any legal situation. Employees may require employees to submit to polygraph examinations in investigating allegations of specific loss, theft, corruption, fraud.
Polygraph examinations are also used in pre-employment screenings, especially before an employee is hired in a sensitive position involving money, security, or where an employee may be tempted engage in theft or violation of company policy or the law.
Employers are able to predict future conduct of their prospective employees by requiring them to take and pass a polygraph test.
Civil lawyers also use polygraph examinations to determine credibility of clients and witnesses.
Although some courts will not admit results of polygraph examinations at trials, such results are often used by lawyers as basis for settling civil cases or negotiating plea bargain deals in criminal prosecutions.
This type of testing will determine whether statements made by a person regarding his/her personal history are true or false.
The test will verify aspects of a person’s background, such as sexual history, drug or alcohol habits, gambling, health issues (particularly STD’s), and excessive financial obligations.
Spousal or Relationship Testing
In many husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios where infidelity or cheating is suspected, it is difficult to confirm for sure if there is infidelity or cheating.
The only way to find out for sure and confirm the truth is through an infidelity test from a qualified examiner within our Network.
Medical professionals use polygraph and other lie detection services in behavioral treatment of individuals for sex crimes, substance abuse, marital, domestic violence, and gambling addictions.
A Business History Test is administered when a businessperson or an investor someone needs to verify and confirm the business history of a potential business partner or co-investor.
This type of test will determine whether statements made by a potential business partner or co-investor regarding his/her business history are true or false.
The test will verify aspects of a person’s business background, such as skills, employment history, financial net worth, or ownership of assets are true or false.